+584125450001 hello@bassil-co.com
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A company specialized in exporting natural charcoal for shisha
and barbecue from Venezuela to the world



Bassil Co, C.A has the vision of becoming a model company for the production and distribution of charcoal at the national level of the highest quality, with a high sense of responsibility, honesty, commitment and prioritizing environmental protection. Provide our customers with quality and service standards according to their needs as an added value in the raw materials market.



Bassil Co, C.A. mission is to be a quality company, providing an organic product that allows for a better quality of life and sustainable management of natural resources and the environment. Consolidate ourselves as a leading company in the commercial and hardwood processing industry, specializing in charcoal that gives added value to our clients’ processes.


Welfare and safety and provide our shareholders with optimal levels of profitability.


Weathering Certificate

Certification that Bassil Co C.A ,

Days from the moment of carbonization and before being packed and placed that the cargo was cooled to room temperature, for more than 14 days for shipment, concluded that the coal met the temperature requirements established by the IMO . (IMDG code)

The cargo is packed in accordance with the IMDG Code
The packaging is light and intact.
The load temperature does not exceed the ambient temperature by more than 5°C.
The packaging and the interior atmosphere are clean and odorless, without the presence of vapors and fumes.
Authorized by the MINEC Ministry in Venezuela. EE2103 dated February 22, 2021, duration of 5 years for exploitation and manufacturing in Venezuela. And Certified by CENCOEX to export CRE/N°82383020190306shex. Accreditation letter of laboratory SEDICONVET.

Description of the production process.

The activity begins with the acquisition of charcoal from independent artisanal producers in the Zone, to be stored raw in our spaces to proceed with the cleaning and selection by size of the charcoal through a sieve system, to later be packaged in our different presentations, which are 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg and 20 kg, of which the first 3 presentations are domestic consumption and the last 3 are for export. for international.

Get in touch

Bassil Co, C.A.

Venezuela estado Lara
carrera 25 entre 13 y 14